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Monday, December 26, 2011

How to protect facebook timeline?

Facebook Timeline brings great new set of features to give totally a new facebook experience. The recent Facebook Christmas Theme spam gone viral couple of days ago and many profile got infected. It is important to protect your facebook timeline against such spam attacks, as you will stand as the origin to spread the same spam message to your friends profile. You should do little modification of privacy settings to prevent your friends or friends of friends posting on your timeline.

Previously we used a privacy setting to protect others posting on the wall, and facebook started to rollout timeline feature to all the accounts from last week. Hence it is necessary to understand the timeline features and privacy settings that you should do, to make your facebook experience great.

How to Protect Facebook Timeline from Spams ?

Go to Home - Privacy Settings

facebook timeline settings

Select “Edit Settings” for “How Tags Work” and it will pop up another window.

facebook timeline tags

Now click on Timeline Review to enable or disable facebook timeline review feature, that lets you review any tags that your friends make in order to publish it on your timeline.

facebook timeline review

Once you have “Enabled” the timeline review option, you will get complete control over your timeline, and you must approve each and every tags they make before it gets into your timeline.

You will get a “Notification” saying that your friend has tagged you in a status update and you must approve it to take it forward. I hope this tutorial have helped you in protecting your facebook timeline. Here is a video that shows how you get notification and the approval process that you have to do.

YouTube Preview Image

Thanks for reading and please do share this post to let your friends across social networks aware about it.

By Robin
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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


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