Recently a friend of mine received this small portable smartbook computer, running winCE offering along with the wines of "Giordano wines".
The system that is functioning as Android 1.6, market functioning, audio, screen, wifi with wpa-protected networks, does the mouse, external USB, you can surf the internet, read the youtube video (with a special little program downloaded from the shop ) in full screen, even the multi-touch pad has features that I admit I was stunned.The only problem that still lacks a solution for now is that it can not detect the battery, in practice can only be used with the adapter attached because even if the battery is charged up to leverage the power supply as soon as the system off.
In view of the network have complained for WinCE and have decided to throw it, I think someone may still be helpful. Keep in mind that it is also difficult to go back to the old system, so, know that it is risky and at your own risk and I take responsibility.
INSTALLING ANDROIDHere's how the procedure is very simple:
Sdd-card, enough even at 256 Mb (firmware occupies less than 50 Mb)-Download this file: Script_android_wm8505_v2_mod.zipThis script is modified for the wm8505 v2.
Once you download the file, unzip and copy the scripts folder on a FAT32 formatted sdd, if you use windows as well use it as is. Now simply enter the SDD in the handset, turn left and install, after a few minutes will ask you to remove the ticket and we will go out, you will have to restart your system. Have fun! :)
Note that the first boot screen hangs on the Android for a long time, about 5 minutes or more is normal. Just started you should have rotated the screen, just press home and select the first of three home available.
Now if you open the console and type:suyou automatically get root permissions!Better to hack on the PC you can even use a telnet connection with the PC, very usefull, is sufficient to run
telnetdOn with root permissions. Just installed but not the root pass set, so just give:
paswd rootand set a pass. After this, and after connecting the smartbook with wifi to our network from any terminal just run:telnet [ip address of smartbook]and you can log in as root.Have fun!
Thanks to an alert on the forum now we have a new firm Android, works really well, only 50 seconds to boot, great graphics, was finally eliminated the problem "as demo expired", loaded drivers for Bluetooth, ethernet, usb 3g, in short Complete! It 's still being tested but so far is the best one available.
Download the script here for Android already changed for the wm8505 V2:
How the script mod works: So, the problem was that the form wmt_battery noted only the power connected but not charging the battery, so once believed to be removed and the exhaust system will automatically shut off.
To resolve this, the procedure is quite simple, I did nothing but prevent the module to load on startup wmt-battery module. Charging is handled by init.rc file located in the root, you just open it and comment the line:
insmod / .driver / M ^ wmt_battery.kowhich becomes:
# Insmod / .driver / M ^ wmt_battery.koSince there are, comment other lines:
# insmod /.driver/wm8505_kpad_md.ko^MThat loads the module for the management of the acceleration sensor That is not present on this model, and the touch screen, they cause wound problems with the mouse so it is best to remove them. So we save a bit of ram and boot time, in fact we are now at 1:20 minutes against two of the original system.
# insmod /.driver/wm9715-api.ko ^M
# insmod /.driver/wmt_battery.ko^M
# insmod /.driver/wm9715-ts_800_480.ko^M
# insmod /.driver/sensor_mma7660.ko^M
insmod /.driver/via-velocity.ko^M
insmod /.driver/usbnet.ko^M
# insmod /.driver/asix.ko^M
# cp /etc/sensor_shake /proc/gsensor_config^M
# insmod g_file_storage.ko removable=1 stall=0 file=/dev/block/mmcblk0^M
Save and restart, now the battery is not detected and we disconnected the power adapter and enjoy the smartbook carrying around;)
The solution is very spartan, But for now it is the only one I found, However, continued to study it.
15/12/10Now with Android installed I could do some tests. I must say that is not bad, the processor is clocked at 433 MHz (overclocked I think that is directly mod by slatedroid silver) for these processors is clocked quite high, in fact, the rate of use is by no means slow, at least if you used in netbooks and similar obvious.The video you can clearly see, the navigation is smooth, the market has tons of software running, the battery life over an hour but I did not make precise measurements.There is even the possibility of overclock and downclock or processor, or decide by scaling the performance standard with ondemand or conservative, does work, even using the software on the market "SetCPU", is also looking around for free, I though by setting I have a different scaling of the screen flicker when changing frequency, very annoying for me so I decided to leave the standard frequencies and scaling up performance by giving up a lot of autonomy. It 'still a good thing that we can change, it can certainly come in handy when you are away from home and have any doubts about battery life.For now, the largest neo in my case is receiving the wifi rather low, so I could not resist and I opened the screen:I w
The addition of a bluetooth module still seems feasible, should be taken off the WiFi module and added a USB hub that is linked to wifi and then blue, just as did the famous guy who changed the most of his eeepc 701. We should try and see if it is recognized by the kernel, I kinda burns too much that is not my hours I would otherwise have with a soldering iron in hand! :) If someone decides groped, let me know the result.
News on the front uboot, the boot loader inside the device, welding a plug into a special socket on the motherboard inside a burglary and practicing I have now the connector at hand:
and using a USB-TTL ftdi232 at 3.3V, you can communicate with this interface. But I do not recommend this change, much better weld a plate and make a connector directly into the battery compartment where it will be more comfortable.
Normally this serial port is used by the operating system as a console system, such messages are displayed to the kernel boot linux or wince.
Instead, at boot time, pressing enter when viewing the logo, you can access an interactive menu, here are the options:
Hit Enter key to stop autoboot: 0
WMT # help
shutdown the board
? - alias for 'help'
SaveAnimation - Load animation from SD Card and save animation to NAND Flash
SaveAnimation nandAddr filename
for example: SaveAnimation b00000
autoscr - run script from memory
base - print or set address offset
bdinfo - print Board Info structure
boot - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootd - boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'
bootm - boot application image from memory
bootp - boot image via network using BootP/TFTP protocol
cleanlcd - clean LCD screen
cmp - memory compare
coninfo - print console devices and information
cp - memory copy
crc32 - checksum calculation
dhcp - invoke DHCP client to obtain IP/boot params
diskboot - boot from IDE device
dmacp - dma memory copy
echo - echo args to console
erase - erase FLASH memory
fatinfo - print information about filesystem
fatload - load binary file from a dos filesystem
fatls - list files in a directory (default /)
fatstore - store binary file to a dos filesystem
flinfo - print FLASH memory information
go - start application at address 'addr'
help - print online help
ide - IDE sub-system
iminfo - print header information for application image
imls - list all images found in flash
itest - return true/false on integer compare
lcdinit - initialize LCD
loadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)
loads - load S-Record file over serial line
show -
loop - infinite loop on address range
md - memory display
mii - MII utility commands
mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing)
mmcinit - init mmc card
msleep - delay execution for some time
mtest - simple RAM test
mw - memory write (fill)
nand - NAND sub-system
nfs - boot image via network using NFS protocol
nm - memory modify (constant address)
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
printenv - print environment variables
protect - enable or disable FLASH write protection
randmac - generate a random MAC address and save to "ethaddr" environment variable
rarpboot - boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
run - run commands in an environment variable
saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
sdwaitins - wait sd card inserted or removed
sdwaitins 0 -- waiting removed
sdwaitins 1 -- waiting inserted
setenv - set environment variables
shutdown the board
sleep - delay execution for some time
textout - show text to the screen, it clean the background
textout x y "str" color
color is 24bit Hex, R[23:16], G[15:8], B[7:0]
for example: textout 0 0 "hello world" FFFFFF
textout2 - show text to the screen, it don't clean the background
textout2 x y "str" color
color is 24bit Hex, R[23:16], G[15:8], B[7:0]
for example: textout2 0 0 "hello world" FFFFFF
tftpboot - boot image via network using TFTP protocol
tmpt - execute Mass Production Tool
uploadfile - Transfer the spi flash image to the server.
version - print monitor version
WMT # --- pwmparam = 0,4,599,599
It has much functions, replace the boot logo, mount a sdd, copy or rewrite the nand, to obtain information on the system. Through this should be possible to know a bit better system, especially how the scriptcommand and we can also accommodate systems briccked rewriting the internal NAND.
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