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Monday, March 7, 2011

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Backdoor for Windows (Hack via BACKDOOR)...

Here is a backdoor written in VC++ for Windows (NT/2K/XP/2003/VISTA/WIN7)....

The Smallest VC++ Coded Universal Windows Backdoor for all versions of Windows NT/2K/XP/2003 with any service pack.But  not for Windows 98/ME! since Microsoft stopped the support for  them, i can't code for an unsupport Operating system. :)) 
A Tini, Small, Petite app that listen on a fixed port and creates a command shell when it receives a connection.

Default port of listening is : 8080


Just run it. It listens on Port 8080. Currently it is hardcoded in the  program to keep the size to the minumum. But if you want you can change it at the exe.


Use netcat to connect to the ip address where the program is listening at port 8080. Voila! 

You end up in Cmd Shell. Then what else?. Enjoy your stay!. 
You can delete the Tx after you have been dropped on to the shell. The process will exit automatically. The only connection between you & the target machine will through the cmd.exe.

Rest you can figure it out. :)

A small how to change port description!

Use the port in htons() format. Convert it to hex, swap it to write it to exe using hex editor.

For example, if you want the program to listen on 3278 instead of 8080,
htons(3278) = 52748 in decimal
Convert it to hex = CE0C

Now use the hex editor open the Tx.exe, search for 1F90 replace it with 0CCE. Remember to swap the after hex conversion.

Pretty simple isn't it?.

Source Code Statistics

VC++ Rockz! :)

Directory of Z:\Proggies\Tx

XX/XX/XX XX:XX 2,885 ReadMe.txt
XX/XX/XX XX:XX 1,506 Tx.cpp
XX/XX/XX XX:XX 924 Tx.exe
3 File(s) 5,315 bytes


The Author accepts no responsibilities for whatever you do
with this program.


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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


Anonymous said...

good work

did you know, tomorrow i hack into the server of my school n copy some porns into principles folder

ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaa

thank you

Anu said...

hmmmm well done

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