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Monday, November 8, 2010

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How to manage all of your network connections from one computer?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there existeda tool that would allow you to save various network profiles such that all youhad to do was pull up that profile you needed to quickly connect? That wouldreally be a boon to anyone who is constantly switching network connections (forwhatever reason). Fortunately there is a tool just for that purpose. The tool? NetCon DOWNLOAD LINK.

NetCon Manager allows you to createvarious network connection profiles and then allows you to select which profileyou want to connect to from a simple drop-down. And with this tool you can evenclear various configurations of your current connection, so no worries aboutconflicting configurations.
In this article, I will show you howto create and connect to a profile with this handy GUI tool.

The installation of NetCon Manageris simple. All you need to do is download the .exe file from the HERE, double click the downloaded file, and walkthrough the setup wizard. Once finished, you will find an entry for NetConManager in your start menu. Take note: If you are using Windows 7, NetConManager might have to be run as Administrator (depending upon your setup). Ifthis is the case you will need to right-click the menu entry and select “RunAs” to elevate the permissions.

Usage of NetCon Manager is simple.When the main (and only) window opens (see Figure A) fill out theinformation for the network profile you need to create and then click Save. Youcan create as many profiles as you like. Once you have your profiles createdyou can select one from the drop-down and then click the Load button, whichwill load the configuration. When the settings are loaded, hit the ChangeNetwork Settings! button and your profile will be activated. It really is thatsimple.

If your profile needs DHCP, justleave the necessary fields blank.
Helpfulwith DNS
One of the more helpful uses I havefound for NetCon Manager is the ability to quickly change DNS servers. Thereare certain instances when this ability is handy and you want to be able to doit quickly (not have to go in and manually re-enter all DNS information). Forthis you can create multiple profiles that have similar configurations, onlywith different DNS. You can have a Profile using the default DNS servers and aProfile using, say, OpenDNS. To quickly switch DNS providers, all you wouldhave to do is select the Profile and then click the Change Network Settings!button to make the change.
If you have one particular networkthat you use more than any other, open up the settings for that network, makesure Default is checked, and click save. Now that particular network will openup by default.
If you’re not sure what your currentnetwork configuration is, open up NetCon Manager and click Load currentconfiguration for this network connection to display the information for thatconnection.
If you don’t want to keep the NetConManager open all the time, click on NetCon Manager Savings and then select TrayOnly from the Display Mode drop-down.
Final thoughts
There are plenty of reasons why sucha tool would be necessary. It’s good to know there is a tool available likeNetCon Manager that will enable busy network users to quickly switch betweennetwork configurations. It would be nice if NetCon Manager could get wirelessprofiles as well as VPN profiles rolled into this so you could have all of yournetwork connection needs in one, handy location.

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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


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