In the past few weeks, I've tested a few blogging platformsfor the upcoming launch of, and right now, I hesitate between2 alternatives: WordPress and Textpattern. I'll be fooling around with both incoming weeks to familiarize myself with them. I have now been running Wordpressfor a week or so, and I must say that I am quite impressed by its ease ofinstallation. Running a local version of your blog is very useful because itlets you fool around with themes and plugins to your heart's desire withouthaving to risk breaking your live blog.
Here's a little guide that will help you install and run Wordpress locally onyour XP box in less then 10 minutes:
1- Get XAMPP lite for Windows.Choose the exe version, and install it at the root of your C drive.
1- Get XAMPP lite for Windows.Choose the exe version, and install it at the root of your C drive.
2- Browse to C:\xamppliteand double click setup_xampp.bat (if setup_xampp.bat will not start, by default it will automatically start)
3- Once that is done, double clickxampp-control.exe and start the Apache and Mysql services.
4- Open your browser and go to thisaddress: http://localhost/. From the menu on the left column, choose your preferredlanguage.
5- Now that the interface displays a language that you can understand, click onphpMyAdmin (on the left column once again)
5- Now that the interface displays a language that you can understand, click onphpMyAdmin (on the left column once again)
6- Enter "wordpress" (without quotes) in the "Create NewDatabase" Field, and select utf8_unicode_ci in the drop down box in thenext field (as shown in the picture below). Click on Create. The Xampp setup isnow complete.
7- Download Wordpress and unzip it under c:\xampplite\htdocs.
8- You should now have a wordpress folder under c:\xampplite\htdocs.
8- You should now have a wordpress folder under c:\xampplite\htdocs.
Browse to the folder, and you will see a file namedwp-config-sample.php. Open it in your favourite text editor and replace thedefault values by the ones you see under this paragraph. Save the file aswp-config.php (under the same folder).
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'root'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', ''); // ...and password (needs to be empty, just forlocal install)
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change thisvalue
9- Open your browser and navigate to,
follow the instructions, and voila, you are done.
That was easy wasn't it?
Update: If you already have a web server (IIS, etc.) running onyour box while trying to set up XAMPP, be sure to follow the instructionsprovided here. If you don't, you won't be able to accessthe XAMPP config page as described in step #4.
Update: If you already have a web server (IIS, etc.) running onyour box while trying to set up XAMPP, be sure to follow the instructionsprovided here. If you don't, you won't be able to accessthe XAMPP config page as described in step #4.
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