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Monday, November 8, 2010

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How to attack a remote network across the Internet?

This is my one of the best post bcz with the help of this you can attack/hack a remote network just in seconds...
So, lets start ... 

On a theoretical level, attacking aremote network across the Internet is very simple.

First, you research to discover allof the IP address ranges used by the target. Search the web, search Usenet,search Internet, search RIPE, search APNIC, search everywhere.

Second, you identify all hosts inthose IP address ranges. This may be as simple as pinging each possible host inthose networks. Be warned, however, that many hosts will be protected byfirewalls that prvent ICMP ECHO Requests (used by ping) from reaching them.Those hosts may still have vulnerable services running on them.

Third, you identify all open portson each of those hosts. For example, one host may be providing dns, bootp, andtime services. 

This is normally done by "port scanning" the host. 

Port scanning UDP ports is much slower than port scanning TCP ports. 

TCP portswill respond negatively when they are not open. 

UDP ports require you to waitfor a timeout. 
You may choose to scan only known ports, or to scan only portsbelow 1024, or to scan all 65,535 ports.

Fourth, you attack vulnerableservices. If you see a time server running and you know of a time serverexploit, you try it out. Perhaps the target is running an OS that is notvulnerable, or perhaps the system administrator has patched the target host.Or, maybe you will succeed. Vulnerability information can be gleaned fromInternet WWW sites or mailing lists, traded privately, or developed on yourown.

Keep enjoying.... 
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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


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