Hi friends, here is a trick to crack any version of WinRAR.
I can't take all the credits of that post bcz this trick is supposed/innovated by my friend "Code Mobile" and implemented by me.
You can crack any version of WinRAR using this methodand need not to pay for the registration fee and you can do this all byyour self,easily. Furthermore, major software are cracked using thesame way,but just get a bit complex in the methodology. This tutorialis intended for those who are new to cracking and disassembling.
To perform this hack you will be needing -
- Any De-assembler (I use Hackers Disassembler and Hview )
- Resource Hacker
- A patch Creator ( Use Universal Patch Creator or Code fusion)
Hackers Disassembler
Resourcce Hacker INSTALLER and This one
Universal Patch Creator
How to Crack ?
You need to have a bit knowledge of assembly language, and in case youdon't have it, just cram the steps and it will work anytime, every time.Download the latest version of WinRAR from their website and install it.
I will be cracking Winrar 3.80 here (bcz I already have it:P ).
This is basically a 2 step process ( 4 step ,if you want to do things with a professional touch,period) .
Now copy the WinRAR.exe file to desktop. Make a copy of it there.
Step 1 – Hunting for Memory Address
Now load Hackers Disasembler and load the copy in it.
The Disassembler will disassemble the executable in assembly code. Nowyou need to search for strings that are used in WinRAR program. PressCtrl + F and type “evaluation” without quotes and search in theassembly code. Hit enter..
After you have reached this block of code by searching, just look atthe block of code above it. There you will find that some assemblyvalues are being compared and then code is jumped to some otherfunction. Now see carefully, the “evaluation copy” function must beinvoked after some specific condition is met. We need to look for it atthe code and the make certain changes to the condition so that theprogram doesn't checks for the condition.
In the above code you can see this code -
00444B6A: 803DF4B84B0000 cmp byte ptr [004BB8F4], 00Thisis the code responsible for validating you as a legal user :) .
00444B71: 0F859B000000 JNE 00444C12
Justnote down the memory address that leads to jump (JNE) at some memorylocation. In this case, note down 00444B71 .
Note : Forany WinRAR version, this code and memory address might be different,butthe JNE will be same. Just note down the respective memory address thatchecks.
Now you need to search for the code that brings that ugly nag screen“Please purchase WinRAR license” after your trial period of 40 days isover. For this,look over your toolbar and click on “D” which stands forlooking for Dialog references.
Now in the dialog box that opens, search for “please” and you will get the reference as -
ID-REMINDER, “Please purchase WinRAR license”
Double click on it and you will reach the subsequent code.
The code will be something like
* String: “REMINDER”Just note the memory address that invokes the REMINDER dialog.
0048731A: 68EB5E4B00 push 004B5EEB
In this case its 0048731A. Note it down.
Note : Forany WinRAR version, this code and memory address might be different.Butthe Reminder Memory address code will always PUSH something. Just notedown the respective memory address that PUSH ‘s.
Step 2 – Fixing and Patching
Now in this step we will be patching up values of memory addresses we noted earlier.
I will be doing this using HVIEW.
Now load the copy you disassembled in Hacker’s Disassembler in Hview.
After you have loaded it, you will see the code is unreadable. Its justlike opening an EXE file in notepad. You need to decode it. To do that,just press F4 and yoiu will get an option to decode it. Hit DECODE andyou will be able to see code in the form of assembly code and memoryaddresses.
After you have done that, you need to search for memory addresses younoted down earlier. Just hit F5 and a search box will be there. Now youneed to enter the memory address.
To do that, enter a “.” and the typememory address neglecting the earlier “00” . The “.” will suffice for“00”. ie -
Type .444B71 in place of 00444B71
and search in the code.
After you have reached the respective code, you need to make changes toit. Press F3 and you will be able to edit the code.Now make thefollowing changes -
After you have done it, save it by pressing F9.
Now search for next memory location by pressing F5 and entering it. Reach there and make the following changes by pressing F3 -
Save the changes by pressing F9 and exit HVIEW by pressing F10.
You have cracked WinRAR :) Replace the original WinRAR.exewith this copyofwinrar.exe by renaming it. It will work 100% fine :P
Step 3 – Spicing up the EXE
Now U have a 100% working version of EXE, you might want to change yourregistration information in WinRAR. TO do this, you can use Resourcehacker.
Launch Resource Hacker, load the copyofwinrar.exe in it
Now go to DIALOG – Expand tree – ABOUTRARDLG and click it. NowFind Trial copy line and replace it with your favorite one :P
and click on Compile Script button.
Now save the file with any name on your desktop or any location what so ever.
Now you have a fully patched WinRAR.exe file :)) you can either use it,or also can distribute it like a real cracker. If you want to learnthat, move on to next step.
Step 4 – Creating a working Patch (or giving Professional touch :P )
I will be using Universal Patcher (UPE) for creating thepatch. The patch will work like any authentic one for that WinRARversion. Just like the one U downloaded at anytime of your life fromany Crack and Keygen website.
Launch Patch Creator and click on add new project. Enter project Information and click on save.
Click on Add – ; Offset patch
After you have done that, double click on offset patch and then
- Give path of original winrar.exe
- Give path of unmodified Winrar.exe (again)
- Give path for fully patched Winrar.exe (ie Cracked Winrar.exe in this case)
- Click on compare and it will show difference between both files
- Click on save.
Now in the next window, click on Create Patch and save it. The Patchwill be created. Now copy it in WinRAR installation directory and hiton patch, it WILL work.
Congrats you have created a patch of your own and have learned to crack WinRAR :)
You can crack other software in the same way…just practice,debug and disassemble and you will get the way
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