Hey guys, recently I found a keylogger for LINUX and UBUNTU, it works better that Windows keylogger due to its OpenSource :)
Check it out...
First of all, i'll explain (give a brief def. of Keylogger) something about Keylogger :-
What is Keylogger?
Keystroke logger is the practice of noting (or logging) thekeys struck on a keyboard, typically in a covert manner so that the personusing the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. There arenumerous keylogging methods, ranging from hardware- and software-based toelectromagnetic and acoustic analysis.keylogger in Linux
We have an opensource software available for Linux called lkl (Linux KeyLogger).LKL is a userspace keylogger that runs under linux–x86/arch. LKL sniffs andlogs everything passes trought the hardware keyboard port (0×60).
Download key logger here
How to Install?
Step 1
Unzip or untar the file you have downloadedStep 2
Change in to directory by typing cd lklStep 3
Give the below command./confiureThis will check all the required resurces it needs
Step 4
Type `make‘ to compile the package.Step 5
Optionally, type `make check’ to run anyself-tests that come with the package.Step 6
Type `sudo make install‘ to install theprogramsNow you are done with the installation
How to use?
You can send argument with the command lkl-h helpExample: lkl -l -k us_km -o log.file // use USA kb and put logs in‘log.file’
-l start to log the 0×60 port (keyboard)
-b debug mode
-k set a keymap file
-o set an output file
-m send logs to
-t hostname for sendmail. Default is localhost
Please comment on the same if it doesn’t works for you
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