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Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Internet on your phone using bluetooth and your PC connection

Internet on your phone using bluetooth and your pc connection!!
this will work on most s60 phone.! 

It has been tested on an E63 and on N3650!

Step 1:
Creating an access point on your phone!

Tools - Settings - Connection - Access Points - Options - New Access Point - Default Settings... 
These are the settings you need there..

Connection Name : Anything (sugestion ADLS or PCGPRS something you remember well because you'll need it later!)

Data Bearer : GPRS

Access Point Name : The name you gave to your Bluetooth connection when pairing up with the computer...

Username : None

Password : No

Authentication : Normal

Gateway IP Address :

and that's all on this on this part..

then go to:

Tools - Settings - Connection, and select GPRS

Set the GPRS connection to "when available", and the access point to "none".

The settings on your fone are done! now... 

Next Step :-
Create a serial port connection from your PC to your phone (you've done this before if you ever used Pcsuite from nokia), this serial connection must be on everytime you want to use your PC internet connection as a GPRS connection for your phone!!

Install the software you need to surf the web (opera, netfront, agile messenger for chat, etc..)

My advise to you is to use NetFront, the options are pretty cool and it uses less memory meaning you can still run other program such as agile at the same time (it crashed my 3650 when I tried to do it with opera)..

You are ready to use your phone to surf and chat for free!!

Hope this helped you and that is simple and clear!! 

Any question you know where to post, this will be updated if many doubts come up.

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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


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