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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Win 7 Hack

I was busy tweaking my Windows 7 machine for the holidays. With the discovery of the “God Mode” using a certain hack, I was immediately hooked. Little did I know that this is only one of the several hacks you could do. CNET provided a list of other hacks you could do, but unfortunately they didn’t say what each hack does.

To activate the “God Mode” you create a folder anywhere you want, and rename the folder to


You can actually use a different name if you are not comfortable with GodMode, and all you need to do is replace GodMode with any name that you want. Just retain the formatfilename.stringhack

when you rename your folder. However, you cannot use the following characters in your file name: \ / : * ? ” |

Here is the list of string hacks and what it does:

 – a list of all possible settings you can do, a.k.a. “God Mode”

 – edit your default location

 – biometrics settings

 – power settings

 – edit your task bar icons

 – Windows credentials

 – install a program for the network

 – edit Windows default programs

 – .NET framework assemblies

 – manage wireless networks

 – shortcuts to network computers

 – My Computer icon

 – printer settings

 – RemoteApp and Desktop connections

 – Windows Firewall

 – rate your computer performance

One of the string hacks doesn’t work in my machine: 

I wonder what it does?
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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


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