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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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How to use CentOS repos in

There are several repositories provided by CentOS and other 3rd partydevelopers that offer software packages that are not included in thedefault base and updates repositories. While no list can be 100%complete, as anyone may announce an archive, it represents some majorefforts and provides a summary of what each repository offers. Theserepositories have varying levels of stability, support and cooperation within the CentOS community.

Here is the steps for using CentOS repos in RHEL5 : 

1. Remove "yum-rhn-plugin" package from RHEL, this is used to check the activation in RHEL.
# rpm -e yum-rhn-plugin
2. Remove the "redhat-release" related packages, this is used to check the repositories compatibility. usually we can't remove these packages because they are used by other packages of the system for proper fuctioning. so we'll use the "--nodeps" parameter to forcely remove them from the system.
# rpm -e redhat-release-notes-5Server redhat-release-5Server --nodeps
3. Download & install the "centos-release" relates packages, to fill in the gap that we made by removing the "redhat-release" related packages.

i386 (32 bit)

4. To automatically inform about the updates in GUI, Do the following.

# vi /etc/yum/yum-updatesd.conf

In the file, type as follows under the section "# how to send notifications"

dbus_listener = yes

5. To change the OS name in the CLI login, Do the following.

# nano /etc/issue

Since we have installed the "centos-release" relates packages, the OS name will come as "CentOS release 5 (Final)", so delete it and type Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5

Or any name you like.

6. Now your system is ready.

7. Now start your internet open terminal type 

# yum updates

I think this will also help novinces to get ypdates for RHEL-5.

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About 'Anu': My name is 'Anu' also Known as 'ANU 007 TIGER' .I'm administrator of 'PC Tips by Anu' blog .This blog was opened for sharing contents about hacking n cracking.


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